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Friday, August 26, 2011

*Getting The Most Out Of Your Day*

People always ask me, how do I find time to do it all. I hadn't put much thought into it before now, but here are my hints.

1. Make a plan for your day. Otherwise you'll find yourself making the fatal mistake of  dealing primarily with problems rather than opportunities. Start each day by making a general schedule, with emphasis on two or three major things you would like to get done. Each day you need to have a destination in mind.

2. Concentrate. I have observed that concentration is a key aspect of the effective use of time. You need uninterupted time to focus your energy on what youre doing, so that you do it good. If a task is overwhelming, spend 15 minutes of uninterupted time on that task. Set your oven timer & get going! That way, when you have to tackle it again, it wont be so immense.

3. Learn to stop & catch your breath. Working for long period of times with no breaks is not effective. Youve been working forever, running up & down stairs, scrubbing, lifting, carrying things back and forth...and when you get to the middle of your day, nothing you do is given your best effort. And anything you are doing, deserves your best effort. You should perform your biggest tasks as early as you can. That way, if you take a nap mid day, you only have small things to take care of in the afternoon.

4. Don't procrastinate. This needs no real explaination. Get done what needs to be done & don't waste time.

5. Strive for excellence, not perfection. Perfection does not exist & you will drive yourself crazy trying to get there. Excellence is attainable, gratifying& healthy. Perfection is impossible, frustrating & neurotic.

6. Never lose sight of the big picture. Some things need only 5 minutes in life, others needs 5 hours. Just remember that the people around you are more important than the things in your home & if not cleaning up for a day means you get to spend the day with them, well then that is where your effort needs to be.

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